Ascot Brass joined with the singers of the Thames Valley Chorus in Marlow's All Saints Church on Saturday 30th September to present a concert in aid of causes supported by the local Rotary Club.
The band’s programme opened and closed with music marking the RAF's centenary – Eric Coates's Dambusters March and Ron Goodwin’s 633 Squadron. There were a good number of up-tempo numbers, with Armenian Sabre Dance, the cornet duo Spanish Fiesta (played by Mark Dallas and Steve Clapton), and three arrangements by Alan Catherall: his pacy take on themes from Oklahoma, and pop classics Bohemian Rhapsody and Macarthur Park. At the more reflective end of the spectrum were Lady Stewart's Air by Peter Graham, and John Ireland's Love Unknown.
The Thames Valley Chorus sang two sets in each half; stand-out piece was a moving rendering of Buddy Can You Spare a Dime in the second half. The event was well attended and clearly enjoyed by all.